Investment Advantages of a Slate Roof

The investment advantages of a slate roof are precisely what makes it a superior product in the first place. For those unfamiliar, there are several different types of roofing material, and they offer different experiences. In other words, they have their pros and cons but slate tile roofs are relatively free of downsides. Read on to learn more about the investment advantages of a slate roof on your home.

The investment advantages of a slate roof include both financial benefits and aesthetic improvements. This is due to the fact that slate roofs have a very strong track record of being much more resilient against the elements and have the added benefit of beautifying properties. Here are some of the biggest investment benefits of a slate roof:

1.Increases the value of the home. Unlike some other roofing materials, such as shingles, slate actually increases the value of a house. Very few other roofing materials have this benefit.
2.Reduces maintenance expenses. Another big investment advantage of slate is the fact that it is practically maintenance-free. This means you’ll spend a lot less as long as you own the property on keeping it in good condition.
3.Virtually eliminates replacement costs. Some roofing materials last for about 15 to 20 years, why others are known to last for 30 or even more. However, slate is remarkable in the fact that it can last several decades, even up to a century. This is why Slade is often referred to as a “forever roof,” because it has the ability to actually outlast the home on which it is installed.

Genuine Roof Systems®

Genuine Roof Systems offer natural sophistication. From replacement roofs to new construction, our patented roofing system eliminates roughly 40% of materials needed in a traditional installation. This simple combination of our interlayment system and genuine materials makes for a roof that is easy to install, lighter weight, and cost-effective. And, our impressive warranties give you additional peace of mind that your most treasured asset is protected for a lifetime. We’re proud to offer you a free consultation. Click here to tell us about your project. No roofing contractor? We will work with you to find a reputable contractor in your area.
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