About Genuine Roof Systems
Dramatic Makeovers Never Before Attainable Due to Weight Restrictions.

Cherished for their elegance and charm, genuine slate and handcrafted clay tile roofs have been installed on properties worldwide for centuries. However, the weight of these materials has considerably limited their availability to most home and business owners.
Recognizing an opportunity to solve a challenge in the roofing industry, the owner of Genuine Roof Systems® has personally installed SlateTec® using the patented Genuine Roof system since 1999, and after ten years of successful installations, decided to offer the system nationwide.
Proudly using two American-made components—Vermont S1 Grade slate and our proprietary interlayment—Genuine Roof Systems now serves the finest materials to homeowners, builders, architects, and institutions in over 30 states.
Today, we continue to build relationships and satisfy customers with our ability to deliver the same Greenstone® Slate and handcrafted English clay tile used on the best homes and buildings around the world, but with significantly less weight. Our method achieves the identical sophisticated, classic aesthetics as their traditional counterparts, resulting in the dramatic makeovers never before attainable due to weight restrictions.