3/8" to 1/2" slate roof. Vermont Gray Black


The Latest Updates from Genuine Roofing Systems

Slate Tec Lighter Weight Design With Slate Roof Aesthetics

The Slate Tec Lighter Weight Design is a roofing system that combines the visual appeal of slate with a lighter weight and more cost-effective design. While traditional slate roofs can be heavy and expensive to install, the Slate Tec design utilizes lightweight materials that are easier to handle and install. Despite its reduced weight, the […]

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SlateTec Genuine Lightweight Roofing Benefits

SlateTec’s genuine slate offers some unique benefits that make it a superior choice for lightweight roofing: 1. Sustainable: SlateTec’s genuine slate is made from natural materials that are renewable and can be recycled, making it a sustainable roofing option. It also has a long lifespan, which means less waste and environmental impact. 2. Lightweight: The […]

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Genuine Roof Systems®

Genuine Roof Systems offer natural sophistication. From replacement roofs to new construction, our patented roofing system eliminates roughly 40% of materials needed in a traditional installation. This simple combination of our interlayment system and genuine materials makes for a roof that is easy to install, lighter weight, and cost-effective. And, our impressive warranties give you additional peace of mind that your most treasured asset is protected for a lifetime. We’re proud to offer you a free consultation. Click here to tell us about your project. No roofing contractor? We will work with you to find a reputable contractor in your area.
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