When To Know When You Need A New Roof

When to know when you need a new roof depends on a number of factors. In fact, certain circumstances will make it obvious. However, it’s sometimes much more subtle. These can be very mild telltale signs but if you know what to look for, you’ll probably be able to spot them. So, read on to learn more about when to know when it’s time for a new roof.

Signs you need a new roof range from glaringly apparent to very minor traits. The good news is, you don’t have to solely rely on yourself. If you spot one or more of the following, it’s time to contact at least three licensed, experienced, roofing contractors. Here are some of the most common telltale signs you need to replace the roof on your property:

1.Leaks. Okay, we’ll start with a dead giveaway. If there are leaks coming inside, it’s probably a problem with the roof. Of course, it could also be a component of the roof, but leaks are usually a strong indicator.
2.Daylight. Here’s another obvious sign — you go into the attic to retrieve something or store an item. Much to your surprise, you see daylight coming through from the outside. That’s a good sign you need to replace your roof.
3.Missing shingles. If your roof is missing shingles, there’s a reason those materials aren’t staying in place.

Other common reasons for needing a new roof are when shingles curl up or buckle. Also, if the roof is between 15 and 25 years old, that age in itself is an indicator of the need for a replacement.

Genuine Roof Systems®

Genuine Roof Systems offer natural sophistication. From replacement roofs to new construction, our patented roofing system eliminates roughly 40% of materials needed in a traditional installation. This simple combination of our interlayment system and genuine materials makes for a roof that is easy to install, lighter weight, and cost-effective. And, our impressive warranties give you additional peace of mind that your most treasured asset is protected for a lifetime. We’re proud to offer you a free consultation. Click here to tell us about your project. No roofing contractor? We will work with you to find a reputable contractor in your area.
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