Advantages of Slate Tile Over Shingles Tiles


The advantages of slate tile over shingle tiles are many. In fact, there are several compelling reasons to go with slate tile rather than shingle tile when choosing a new roof. When it’s time to take on a home improvement project of this type, it’s best to know as much as possible about your choices. Read on to learn more about the benefits of slate tile over shingle tile roofing.

There are actually several benefits to slate tile roofs over shingle tile roofs. These include such factors as function, appearance, durability, and longevity.

First though, let’s take a moment to understand why shingle roofs are so prevalent to any of their counterparts, including slate tile and metal roofing materials. In summary, shingles are far more readily available, and less expensive than practically any other type of roofing material. It’s these two reasons alone that make shingles such a popular choice. Also, shingles require very little in the way of expertise, making them even more ubiquitous.

But, shingle tile roofs do not last nearly as long as some of their counterparts, including slate tile. Also, shingles are not environmentally friendly as is slate tile. Moreover, shingles are more prone to damage then other roofing materials.

What’s more, slate tile is not only environmentally friendly, it is a natural roofing material. This, not to mention the fact that slate tile is very long lasting. In fact, slate tile can last for many decades, even up to 100 to 150 years. Also, slate tile is well known for its aesthetic beauty, which surpasses every other roofing material by far.

Genuine Roof Systems®

Genuine Roof Systems offer natural sophistication. From replacement roofs to new construction, our patented roofing system eliminates roughly 40% of materials needed in a traditional installation. This simple combination of our interlayment system and genuine materials makes for a roof that is easy to install, lighter weight, and cost-effective. And, our impressive warranties give you additional peace of mind that your most treasured asset is protected for a lifetime. We’re proud to offer you a free consultation. Click here to tell us about your project. No roofing contractor? We will work with you to find a reputable contractor in your area.
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